Selecting value from list of tuples Elixir
Today I've Learned postElixir
Let say we have Array of tuples (e.g. from AWS
ex_aws S3 head_object
s3_headers = %{headers: [{"x-amz-id-2","yQKurzVIApkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFBINsPxe+7Vc="},
{"x-amz-request-id", "82xxxxxxxxx23"},
{"Date", "Thu, 25 May 2017 22:03:09 GMT"},
{"Last-Modified", "Thu, 25 May 2017 21:42:28 GMT"},
{"ETag", "\"6f04733333333333333368997\""},
{"x-amz-meta-original_name", "Screenshot from 2016-11-27 17-32-03.png"},
{"Accept-Ranges", "bytes"}, {"Content-Type", ""},
{"Content-Length", "612391"}, {"Server", "AmazonS3"}], status_code: 200}
And we want to exctract only some to local variables so that we can store them in DB.
Using keyfind
One way to do it is with elixir’s List.keyfind/2
# ...
{"x-amz-meta-original_name", original_name } = s3_headers |> List.keyfind("x-amz-meta-original_name", 0)
{"Content-Length", content_length } = s3_headers |> List.keyfind("Content-Length", 0)
{"Content-Type", content_length } = s3_headers |> List.keyfind("Content-Type", 0)
document = %{}Document
|> Document.changeset(%{
original_name: original_name,
s3_content_length: s3_content_length,
s3_content_type: s3_content_type
# ...
But that does feel kinda repetitive and waste of time as especially if you have long List of tuples.
Convert list of touples to map
Another way is to convert tuple lists with string keys to a Map:
headers = Enum.into s3_headers.headers, %{}
document = %{}Document
|> Document.changeset(%{
original_name: headers["x-amz-meta-original_name"],
s3_content_length: headers["Content-Length"],
s3_content_type: headers["Content-Type"]
# ...
Special thank you to S. Pallen
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