Many times developer needs to copy over database dump or some migration csv file containing data to server. Easiest way is to just do scp but sometimes you are not able to do that due to firewall restrictions, or because you have only web-console availble, therefore no real ssh connection (e.g. Kubernetes dashboard)


So if you have direct ssh access to server easiest way is to do scp

scp /tmp/my-file.csv [email protected]:project/folder/

scp /tmp/my-file.csv [email protected]:/home/user/project/folder/

scp /tmp/my-file.csv [email protected]:/tmp

# multiple files
scp -r /tmp/folder-full-of-files [email protected]:/tmp/

encrypt file, push to cloud, pull from cloud

When you don’t have direct ssh access to the server, but you can start connection with web-console for example.

step1: Encypt file with GPG

optional step - generate random string (like q0nI2ReFF8PlUeQfWFZL)

head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 25 ; echo ''

Copy that and use it in next step

gpg -c /tmp/my-file.csv
# Enter password

encrypted /tmp/my-file.csv.gpg is create

step2: transfer from laptop to cloud

transfer your encrypted file to cloud solution, for example with AWS s3 CLI or with Dropbox

note: don’t transfer the non encrytped file /tmp/my-file.csv!

  • aws s3 cp /tmp/my-file.csv s3://my-company-bucket-for-transactions/
  • aws s3 sync /tmp/multiple-files/ s3://my-company-bucket-for-transactions/multiple-files/

real life example:

aws s3 sync /tmp/export/ s3://my-company-bucket-for-transactions/export-2019-04-17
aws s3 ls s3://my-company-bucket-for-transactions/export-2019-04-17/

# now generate urls for download
aws s3 presign s3://my-company-bucket-for-transactions/export-2019-04-17/my-file.csv.gpg
# => https://my-company-bucket-for-transactions/export-2019-04-17/my-file.csv.gpg?AWSAccessKeyId=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&Expires=1555585422&Signature=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%3D

default expire time of presign is 3600 sec. If you need more --expires-in 999999

cp /tmp/my-file.csv.gpg ~/Dropbox/my-company/

then generate a link in web interface

step3: transfer from cloud to server

on the web-console inside server/docker-container

cd /tmp/


wget ''

note with AWS presign url make sure you place the url into apostrophe '' otherwise wget (or curl) will give you 403

step 4: delete file on cloud

Now that the encrypted file was trasfered delete the file from cloud!

Note: don’t hold files on cloud for too long. Delete them ASAP

Note: If you use Dropbox make sure you go to Web interface and after deleting the file you go to “deleted files tab” and “delete the file permanently”


aws s3 rm s3://my-company-bucket-for-transactions/export-2019-04-17/my-file.csv.gpg

# or folder delete

aws s3 rm s3://my-company-bucket-for-transactions/export-2019-04-17 --recursive

step 5: Decrypt file on server with GPG

on the web-console inside server/docker-container

gpg /tmp/my-file.csv.gpg
# specify a password

Simmilar problems:

Copy output & paste clipboard with xclip

This is quite a lazy but really effective way for 95% of cases wher you need to copy some output from server to your laptop

works on Ubuntu not sure about OsX

You need xclip command

sudo apt install xclip
  1. ssh / connect to bash of server.
  2. Output some results to console (e.g cat /tmp/myfile.csv)
  3. Just copy the console output (select and SHIFT+CTRL+c)
  4. In other terminal (you laptop) type xclip -o /tmp/mylocalcopy.csv

Chances are you will also pase some clipboard junk so open the file and remove stuff you don’t need

Now reason why you don’t want to use just paste (e.g. with ctrl+shift+v in Vim is that it is time expensive

Send files from server
