Inline SVG in Ruby on Rails
System.d service (daemon) for Puma server instaled under RVM (Rails)
Update millions of records in Rails
Responsive Navbar with Tailwind & Stimulus JS
Responsibility On Rails
Elasticsearch 7 under Ubuntu - protect with basic password
Use Importmaps without Rails
Simple way how to use Bootstrap 5 in Rails 7 - importmaps & sprockets
How to test performance of caching with RSpec in Rails
Order attachments in Rails ActiveStorage has_many_attached
Move position of item in Array up and down in Ruby lang
disable ElasticSearch security features are not enabled warning message
change Elasticsearch memory consumption on OSX (macbook, homebrew)
Rails Active Storage CDN
AWS ElasticBeanstalk update ssh welcome message (motd)
Add Goddady ssl certificate to AWS Load Balancer
Publicly accessible Elasticsearch 7.x
Rails ActiveStorage AWS S3 bucket policy permissions
Embed Google Maps JS with Stimulus JS
Rails PostgreSQL find by nested JSON / JSONb field
Ubuntu OpenSSH Server config
ImageMagic cache resources exhausted
Pitfalls of Rails db transactions
How to store image width & height in Rails ActiveStorage
Stimulus async load Rails HTML - `Rails.ajax` the RJS (format.js) way (full)
Stimulus async load Rails HTML - `Rails.ajax` the `render_to_string` way (full)
Stimulus JS Cheat Sheet
Rails ActiveStorage - crop and resize image variant
Run Rails script as an ActiveJob job
Issue with removing/deleting element from Ruby Array
Ruby array
RSpec Rails controllers test examples
Software Philosophy Quotes and Memes
Custom domain / subdomain for website hosted on AWS S3
Create AWS S3 bucket as a static website with AWS CLI
RSpec mocks in Rails native tests (minitest)
Retry ActiveJob (Sidekiq) on exception
How to rotate video on Youtube
What page should the pagination start from ?
Visualized Desktop Workspace flow in Ubuntu 18.04
PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
Rails sequence error on postgresql db
How to launch Rails console in specific Docker image or Docker container
Why you should consider Bounded Contexts in Rails
Visualized Desktop Workspace flow in Manjaro linux 18 - XFCE
Visualized Desktop Workspace flow in Xubuntu 18.04 - XFCE
How to test if ActiveJob job was enqueued in Rails RSpec
How to convert mkv to mp4
Securely transfering files to server
Visualized desktop workspaces flow
Cinnamon workspaces for productivity development
2019 set up Ubuntu 18.04 for Ruby on Rails developer (Cheatsheet)
Duck Typing in Rails
Exporting and Importing large amount of data in Rails
How to upload remote file from url with ActiveStorage Rails
Ruby Sinatra on AWS Lambda
Google Maps in Rails with Coffee Script
Is Rails still relevant in 2018 ?
Ruby logs and puts not shown in docker container logs
Metaprogramming Ruby cheatcheat
How to configure RSpec in Ruby on Rails
Convert string "true" and string "false" to boolean with Rails
Back to the primitive. Testing with simplicity
Factory Bot trait for attaching Active Storange has_attached
Ruby on Rails Active Storage how to change host for url_for
Rails 5.2 credentials cheat cheat
Rails CSRF protection for SPA
Content-Type application/json by default in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails - Bounded contexts via interface objects
Ruby class methods syntax
Azure App Services - custom domain https ssl certificate
Explicit contracts for Rails - HTTP API usecase
Raspberi PI as kiosk (load browser on startup fullscreen)
Lenovo ThinkPad E480 laptop 2018
pull git private repo from github from npm modules or bundler
Method binding in Ruby
How to delegate methods in Rails as private
Connect Ruby on Rails app to Azure Cosmos DB with Mongoid gem
Memoization, Caching and SQL query optimization in Ruby on Rails
Find duplicate email records with Rails
How to get ElasticSearch total count of items matching
Write more explicit code layers !
Lesson learned after trying functional programming (as a Ruby developer)
Ruby #call method
Change memory size for elasticsearch 5 JVM heap
CSRF protection on single page app API
Elastic Beanstalk Docker using AWS EC2 Container Registry (ECR)
Deep dive into Cloud coding
How to get current enviroment name in Phoenix Elixir
Ako opravit Flybox od Orange
Web neutrality modal displayable only to USA IP addresses
AWS Lambda to configure EC2 Security Group for CloudFront access
Rails Asset Pipeline compilation and Docker
How to reload IEx with a new code
Tell ActiveJob to perform_later as perform_now in Test or Spec
Selecting value from list of tuples Elixir
Exclude tags when running ExUnit tests
Datetime formating options
AWS S3 SNS datetime fromat to ecto databse datetime
Phoenix increase timeout when debugging with IEx.pry in ExUnit
How to debug Phoenix / Elixir application
Send files from Server
Raspberry PI CIFS mount on boot
Elixir - update struct value
Ecto Phoenix - get last record in table
ExUnit - Wait for Genserver cast in test
Policy Objects in Ruby on Rails
Github credentials in bundler
Expressive tests with RSpec - part 1: Describe your tests properly
Rails ActiveRecord Relation (Arel), composition and Query Objects
POST != Create and PUT != Update
PATCH vs PUT and the PATCH JSON syntax war
Setup Ubuntu 16.04 for Ruby on Rails app (Cheatsheet)
AWS Elastic Beanstalk & Docker for Rails developers
Setup AWS Elastic Beanstalk
How to configure Route 53 to Cloudflare
Various CORS issues related (not only to) Ruby on Rails
Simple Authentication for one user in Rails
Pure RSpec JSON API testing
AWS ElasticBeanstalk deployment hooks
Ruby Enumerable, Enumerator, Lazy and domain specific collection objects
RSpec be_within matcher
Rendering Paperclip url via Elasticsearch without making calls to ActiveRecord DB
Common AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker issues and solutions.
Some debugging tips for Ruby on Rails
Removing old release branches
Spring Cleaning for WebDevelopers
Different ways how to do contextual Rails validations
Web Developer Life Hacks
Rails redirects to wrong host (NginX HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST)
Ergonomics and faster typing practices for Web Developers
Setting up simple Wordpress deployment with CodeShip to AWS EC2
Chromebook for Web Developers
Build Docker images on your machine or in the cloud ?
Ubuntu 14.04 Ruby Rails C dependancy solution
Rails log - partials log only
Scissors Rule in coding
How to include Capybara RSpec matchers in RSpec
cron rbenv bundle exec rake task
Rails mysql gem (>= 2.9.0) throwing error `checking for mysql_query() in -lmysqlclient... no
`config.force_ssl` is different than controller `force_ssl`
Use Rails (ActiveSupport) delegation class in plain ruby
Ruby Ancestors, Descendants and other annoying relatives
Run multiple instances of RSpec on same machine
Override default Rails rake task
Carrierwave uploader not triggering proces in RSpec
Troubles with reqexp encoding
JSON array in html element data attribute
Free up space on your Linux server
Rails force_ssl causing NginX infinite loop
Change Rack Test default host
Fetch Amazon s3 (aws) backup from console
Yield Haml block will return 0 (zero)
Rails deliver mail to local file
RSpec matchers in db:seed file
Translating locales for Rails model errors
Mail interceptor for different Rails environments
RSpec performance improvements with before all
Render image with Rails controller
Make private method public in Subclass in Ruby
Jenkins CI for Rails 4, RSpec, Cucumber, Selenium
Temporary enable dalli store in RSpec specs
Installing rbenv on Ubuntu machine
Installing Nginx 1.4.4 from source on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)
Shoulda matchers depricated. Now what ?
Heroku & naked domains
Rails console no database connection